Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Pictures of Logan

When Logan was about 6 weeks old, the hospital sent out a photographer to our home for a "free" sitting and 8x10. I was very skeptical of the whole process, and hardly made an effort when the photographer came. I doubted the pictures would turn out cute at all. Well, they did! I'm so happy with how they turned out. Here is a little sample.


Melinda said...

Joy, these pictures are great! The photographer did a wonderful job! Logan is so stinking cute :)

kellyclay said...

Logan, is so adorable I love how chubby he is.

Kimberly T. said...

Oh my gosh, Joy, those pictures are beautiful! But it helps that the photographer had such an adorable subject. :)

Kim said...

Adorable pictures! I love pictures of baby hands and feet too!