Sunday, July 13, 2008

This is what I look like on Sunday morning before I have to play the piano for church. No kidding. Today, I wish I had some Pepto Bismal with me, because I had to run to the bathroom during the talks because of the stress-induced cramping. I was fine, once it was all over. Today the opening song was, "Come listen to a Prophet's voice". I didn't know how fast I played it until Alan mentioned that the chorister's hands turned into a fan while I was playing. He only mentioned that so that I would remember to slow down on the rest of the songs.

During the Sacrament, I had to keep playing because they still hadn't finished breaking up the bread. How horrible is that??? Who wants to play a solo impromptu? I had to play the hymn about 4 times over until they finished. My fingers were slipping on the keys, and I could feel myself breathing really hard. With that being said, I know that this calling is "good" for me. I'm learning. I'm growing. I'm changing. I've got a new-found respect for every ward pianist in the church. I haven't even figured out how in the world I'm going to learn the organ. I just need to get through playing the piano. Learning the organ seems just about as possible as if I decided to go and run a marathon next week.

This past year I have experienced some concentrated lessons in faith, overcoming fear and allowing myself to change. At this point, I feel like I have failed miserably at this. I guess that's why the Lord keeps giving me opportunities to grow in these areas. The longer I resist, the longer and more painful the process will be. Somehow, I have to figure out a way to move from dread to anticipation. From hate to love. From fear to courage.


JAMIE said...

You are a great example of perserverance. You are doing so well. I would feel just as you do.

kellyclay said...

Joy, you are doing so great and you know I just adore you.

I had to LOL at what Allan said about the choristers hand going so fast, the thought came in to my mind she is getting what she deserves for being so rude and unsupportive of you. insert evil cackle

Marissa said...

You can do this! HF is by your side.

Melinda said...

Way to stick to it Joy! I'm proud of you :)

Sandie said...

You are going to be so much stronger for this. I love you, Mom