Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just because...

I went back to look at some of the pictures of Logan and wanted to add these...they show him in all of his chunkiness...bubbles and all.


Melinda said...

I can't get over how cute he is! I love his chunkiness! :)

Marissa said...

He is just beautiful Joy. I just want to squeeze those little chubby legs.

Rachel said...

Joy, he is just precious. I love the rolls and chubby cheeks. Those are wonderful photographs!

Pat said...

Joy, your mom finally gave me your blog!! You have a darling family!! My blog is: pat-woodallfamily.blogspot.com. You can access Mandy's blog from there too. Hope we can stay in touch a little better from this. Love you, Aunt Pat

Melinda said...

Joy, Her family was in Heber helping her grandparents work on their house and she got hit in the head by a 6x6x10 beam. It's under the 'I'm going to ride a helicipter' post. There's not much there but that's what happened. So sad, but she seems to be improving since the surgery to remove part of her brain.